PHP Tutorial

Rasmus Lerdorf
Rasmus Lerdorf (born 22 November 1968) PHP Creator

PHP is the most popular server-side scripting language for creating web pages. PHP is light and easy to learn as compare to other server-side scripting languages. With PHP, you can create a lot of dynamic things like login page, check form details, forums, file uploading, image galleries, page counter, captcha code, surveys, deal with database etc.

PHP Tutorial

PHP Versions

VersionRelease DateSupported untilDescription
1.08 June 1995Officially called "Personal Home Page". This is the first version of "PHP".
2.01 November 1997 Officially called "PHP/FI 2.0".
3.06 June 199820 October 2000 Development moves from one person to multiple developers.
4.022 May 200023 June 2001 Added more advanced two-stage parse/execute tag-parsing system called the Zend engine.
4.110 December 200112 March 2002 Introduced "superglobals" Variables ($_GET, $_POST, $_SESSION, etc.)
4.222 April 20026 September 2002 Disabled register_globals. Data received over the network is not directly inserted into the global namespace, closing possible security holes in applications.
4.327 December 200231 March 2005 Introduced the command-line interface (CLI), to supplement the CGI.
4.411 July 20057 August 2008 Fixed a memory corruption bug
5.013 July 20045 September 2005 Zend Engine II with a new object model.
5.124 November 200524 August 2006 Performance improvements with introduction of compiler variables. Added PHP Data Objects (PDO) as a consistent interface for accessing databases.
5.22 November 20066 January 2011 Enabled filter extension. JSON Support.
5.330 June 200914 August 2014 Namespace support, late static bindings, jumping statement (goto), garbage collection, improved Windows support, sqlite3, mysqlnd as a replacement for libmysql as underlying library for the extensions that work with MySQL.
5.41 March 20123 September 2015 Trait support, short array syntax support. Removed items: register_globals, safe_mode, allow_call_time_pass_reference, session_register(), session_unregister() and session_is_registered(). Several improvements to existing features, performance and reduced memory requirements.
5.520 June 201310 July 2016 Support for generators, finally blocks for exceptions handling.
5.628 August 201431 December 2018 Constant scalar expressions, argument unpacking, new exponentiation operator, extensions of the use statement for functions and constants, and other smaller improvements.
6.xNot released Abandoned version of PHP that planned to include native Unicode support.
7.03 December 201510 January 2019 64-bit integer support on Windows, uniform variable syntax, return type declarations, scalar type (integer, float, string and boolean) declarations, <=> 'spaceship' three-way comparison operator and shorthand syntax for importing multiple items from a namespace.
7.11 December 20161 December 2019 void return type, class constant visibility modifiers.
7.230 November 201730 November 2020 Counting of non-countable objects.
7.36 December 20186 December 2021 support for reference assignment and array deconstruction with list()
7.428 November 201928 November 2022 Typed properties 2.0, preloading, FFI – foreign function interface, password hash registry, multibyte string splitting, reflection for references, new custom object serialization mechanism
8.026 November 202026 November 2023 Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation, arrays starting with a negative index, string to number comparisons, numeric strings, TypeError on invalid arithmetic/bitwise operators, locale-independent float to string conversion, named arguments, match expression, constructor property promotion, union types, mixed type, static return type, nullsafe operator, non-capturing catches, throw expression, JSON extension is always available.
8.125 November 202125 November 2024 Explicit octal integer literal notation, enumerations, readonly properties, first-class callable syntax, new in initializers, pure intersection types, never return type, final class constraints, fibers

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